My Review

SEMRush Review – Famous SEO Tool Details, Features, Pricing

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Last Updated on March 23, 2023 by Kuldeep Bisht

Here is my complete review of Semrush.

In this post, you’ll see how Semrush works and how effective it is for your domain growth.

You can ask any successful digital marketer and they will all agree on one thing – driving traffic to a site is tough! To make things easy online marketers use SEO tools and experiment with new techniques to outperform their competitors.

I know this because I did some SEO mistakes at the beginning of my career. Soon, I realized how much time and money I was wasting. Instead of focusing on originality, I started using data to create, develop, and launch marketing campaigns.

One thing I came to know is that analyzing your competitor is more important and paid marketing is an advantage for fast results. Here, the SEMrush tool comes into the game. Knowing how Semrush helps marketers to grow their business online.

By examining the top performers in my sector, I was quickly able to find gaps in my online marketing strategy.

You will easily find tools online that do the tasks on your behalf. Of course, if you ask me, nothing beats SEMrush when it comes to finding profitable keywords and competitive research data.

Let’s start the Semrush Review.

Click here to activate your 7 Day SEMrush Trial.

SEMRush Review – The Only SEO Tool You Need

This nifty software is fast, efficient, and surprisingly powerful at providing insights into what’s working and not working for the competition. You get a whole host of tools from website audits to social media monitoring, display advertising to SERP rank tracking. While I do fiddle around with Serpstat, Ahrefs, and other SEO tools from time to time, SEMrush is my go-to software for any important SEO work.

What do I use it for?

Well, pretty much everything I do about SEO. Here are the key applications. 

Making SEO Strategies

Like me, you can use this tool to focus on SEO analyses of websites and improve business rankings on Google. SEMrush will recommend steps you must take to increase your existing rankings. Backlinks can be audited as well to differentiate between the ones that are working and the ones that need to be removed from the page.

Helps Improve PPC

Semrush is a useful tool for advertising research for your campaign. Semrush advertising tool helps you to improve your PPC as this tool studies your ad strategy and provides recommendations on keywords and cross groups. This tool also identifies your PPC mistakes and gives suggestions to fix them. What’s more, it tracks conversations and can even conduct real-time keyword search analysis on different queries.

Organic Growth

SEMrush is a great help in developing website content. I use it to stay updated on current offerings and topics through high-performance data engagement. I can easily locate new promotional opportunities to improve my website’s reputation in front of Google. More importantly, the data gathered by SEMrush shows up as useful charts and reports, thereby saving my time. Comparing domains helps me visualize the information clearly.

Traffic, Keywords, Backlinks

As soon as I enter a specific domain name in SEMrush, I’m able to view the whole screen containing traffic and other important metrics. I have the option of either downloading the generated report in PDF format or changing the dates so I can track the progress over the last few years. It’s often reassuring to know who I’m competing against and analyze the content to figure out if I can modify the content for higher rankings.

semrush tool trail

Competitor Analysis with SEMrush

Entering my competitor’s name and location lets me what business-specific keyword they are using to gain their traffic.

Measure the ‘GAP’

Use SEMrush to find out which companies are ranking using similar keywords. Based on your list, you can estimate the traffic received by the competition for the top keywords.

Track Rank in Real-Time

I often check my site’s ranking in the search results. SEMrush assists me in inputting keywords or loading multiple keywords from a file. The tool will frequently check your listed keywords and update the view accordingly.

Website Optimization with SEMrush

SEMrush isn’t just about scoping the competition; the tool is equally useful in helping me understand what to do for improving my site. Therefore, I have a strong, clean, and ready-to-build platform for attacking my competitors. If that’s not all, I can explore numerous angles on how to improve my current in-house SEO for instant results with minor changes. Some of the tools you can use include:

Audit Tool

I often perform audits on my site with the Semrush Audit Tool. This isn’t your standard free audit tool. No, what you get is a highly detailed picture of your website.

I enter all the relevant information and click ‘Site Audit’. After selecting the audit settings, I wait for some time and soon receive a comprehensive audit. The results provide an actual behind-the-scenes look.

Although it might not look like a detailed audit, I actually get every shred of data that’s necessary without any fluff. I can save it as a PDF before moving to the next stage.

Gather Benchmark Data

A checklist of sorts, benchmark data brings the performance of your site into focus and highlights your strengths. I simply type the website name into the search bar and choose Domain Overview from the drop-down.

That’s enough to give me insight into the world of my site through Google’s eyes. I can view different results and track their movements using the simple dashboard.

Generate SEO Ideas

The SEO Ideas tool is officially the most undervalued tool in SEMrush, which is surprising given how beneficial it is. I use it to analyze every page of my site and get instantly actionable SEO tips like backlink opportunities, page improvements, and keyword options.

Conduct Backlink Audit

I always found cleaning my backlink profile a chore. Thankfully, I no longer have to spend days, weeks, and months locating and eliminating links that hold my website back. SEMrush’s Backlink Audit tool keeps my backlink profile clean easily. 

This tool exists independently from the other audit tools due to its uniqueness. Not only does this snappy tool perform a full backlink sweep but it also checks them against 30 toxic ranking factors so I know for sure which ones hold me back. I can then choose and submit the toxic links for disavowal. This miracle tools saves plenty of time and effort by pointing out the links that harm my website.

Brand Monitoring

Given how important branding is right now, SEMrush’s Brand Monitoring tool is an invaluable aid in my quest to monitor, measure, and adjust the way my brand gets viewed online. Using this tool I can see mentions on the Internet where my brand or business name has been discussed. I can also trace the origin of my backlinks and discover opportunities to act on them, like networking with the site owner and anchor text editing.

Identify Top Organic Search Competitors

SEMrush has made it easier than ever to identify my organic search competitors. The tool provides a complete rundown on the competition level, who my organic search competition are, the competition’s traffic, our common keywords, and visual comparisons. Surprisingly, this competitor list gives me an exhaustive list of competitors, some of which I didn’t even know existed.

Find Best Performing Content of Competitors

Gone is the guesswork associated with knowing which content performs well in my industry. I can now simply create or steal keywords using SEMrush. The tool provides a complete list of the highest performing pages along with the average traffic percentage brought by each page. Based on my niche and how I’m targeting content, I often filter out the results using certain specifics.

Keyword Magic Tool

This tool is specially designed to make keyword research faster and easier by providing refined results with greater data to back them up. Apart from the usual data like Volume and CPC, I also receive deeper insight into SERP features, competition, and keyword difficulty. I have the option of exporting a million keywords in one file. There are plenty of filters for certain words, costs, rates of competition, and difficulties.

Comprehensive Keyword Information

You’ll be amazed at SEMrush’s ability to provide in-depth keyword analysis and long-tail keyphrases. You just have to enter the target keyword and the dashboard will present lots of valuable information such as Search Trends, Phrase Match Keywords, Related Keywords, Volume, CPC Data, and Number of Results. 

Even, you can view the data for smartphone searches as well just by clicking the Mobile tab present on top. Thus, a few seconds is all I need to get relevant, targeted details to make a decision. I even have the option of transforming it into a long tail keyword search tool as well.

Find Great Content Ideas

SEMrush helps you to find blog topics that users love to read. The phrases in the search results, for example, make great indicators for creating content related to searches in my sector. Plus, they have suitable long-tail keywords right at the core. Thus, you get multiple content ideas without too much hassle.

Write Perfectly Crafted SEO Content

How do I know if SEMrush is right for me?

Well, you can’t be certain until you start using the tool. But let’s take a look at the positives – SEMrush’s proprietary tools let me compare various domains in my industry and estimate the behavior to improve rankings against a particular competitor.

The process is just as short and sweet as it sounds, and a few clicks of this tool are all I need to get the necessary data. I can see this tool being a godsend for entrepreneurs interested in doing their personal SEO, enterprise companies, SEO agencies and consultants, and of course, in-house marketers affiliated with SMBs.

Is SEMrush easy to use?

The answer is yes. The user interface is clean and uncluttered, and I never had any trouble locating what I wanted. However, it did take me some time to get used to the interface as I had never worked with something like this before. Also, there were a lot of features to explore, so I did feel a bit overwhelmed initially.

But that should not deter you from trying SEMrush as there are numerous resources available. You can find plenty of step-by-step guides that teach you how to master the tool of your choice. Plus, regular webinars are hosted regarding new functionalities and features of this program.

What about Semrush Pricing?

If you’re interested in dominating the search rankings like me and knowing what the competition is up to in your niche, you should be prepared to shell out a decent sum on this reliable SEO program. But overall, SEMrush has kept the pricing of its services quite competitive. The basic plan costs almost the same as the ones offered by Moz, Raven Tools, and Ahrefs. In fact, some plans might save you money.

There are three different monthly pricing plans available – the Pro, the Guru, and Business. While the first one costs $99.95 a month, the second will set you back by $199.95 each month. The Business plan is great for marketing teams in large companies and agencies and costs $399.95 per month. Please note that all three are recurring subscriptions. Apart from these pre-packaged deals, you also have the option of creating custom plans and plans for enterprise clients.

I manage a couple of sites and am happy with the services I get from the SEMrush Pro plan. If you’re the owner of an agency and have to deal with numerous projects and clients, it’s better to opt for the Guru plan.

Concluding Remarks

I have been using SEMrush for nearly 10 years now, and I’ve yet to come across any serious issues. I found this an amazing SEO tool every business needs to carve out a niche in the market. SEMrush is ideal for analyzing individual performance and leaving the competition behind in the dust.

Analyze your domain now!!!

Kuldeep Bisht

I'm a blogger. I help you succeed online. I write actionable tips & tricks, product reviews, SEO resources & tools. Join my digital journey.

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