How to Rank #1 on Google

Everyone is working hard to get #1 spot on Google. If you’ve stuck on Page 2 or 3 of Google, then this step by step guide will help get #1 ranking on Google.

Optimize your webpage for your targeted keyword.

Step 1 –

Title Meta Description H1 Tag Content Body Image Alt & Title

I recommend you to check your keyword on;

Interlinking your keyword from the Top Pages

Step 2 –

If you want to rank your keyword #1 fast, then find the top pages of your website and interlinking your targeted webpage with your keyword.

Fetch your webpage for indexing

Step 3 –

Fetch your webpages from Google Search Console or use instant indexing tools.

Track Your Competitor’s Backlink

Step 4 –

You have to watch your competitor’s backlinks. Search for your keyword and keep first page results as your competing webpage.

Take advantage of Social Media

Step 5 –

Social Media sends instant traffic and increase your crawl rate. I recommend using a popular or trendy #hashtag relevant to your keyword.